Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Electric Aggression ~ The New "Mean Girl" Attitude

1.  In the case of Penelope and Rosetta~ I do not think that this is a form of cyber bullying.  I honestly thought this was the ONLY case that was not a case of cyber bullying.  The reason I don't think that it is is because there were no threats made.  There was not public humiliation or harassment taking place.  People have disagreements and people react emotionally~ especially teen girls!  Although, it would have been more mature for them to communicate verbally and face to face~ they chose to use text messaging, which is not uncommon these days.  She simply stated that she was upset and wanted to be left alone.  I think that that is pretty normal behavior for teen girls and boys and although immature, it did not scream bullying to me.  There should be no consequences to this action.  The other girl should respect her and leave her alone till she is ready to talk.  

2.  In the case of Marla and William, I do feel that this is an example of cyber bullying.  This is a form of bullying on many levels.  It was mean, rude and insulting to treat a new student like that publicly.  I am certain that the messages about this poor girl were untrue and caused gossiping and dislike of her for no good reason at all.  It's embarrassing to her and made her feel unsafe emotionally and maybe even physically to the point that she stayed home in fear.  This is definitely a case of cyber bullying and there should be severe consequences to the students who set it up-William- as well as those who participated.  The school should stand behind their policy of intolerance and take disciplinary action.  I am not above saying that expulsion should happen for William being that he instigated this.  An example MUST be set for our youth or this will continue to happen.  Expulsion speaks volumes to students as they try to apply for colleges and jobs in their future.  I feel like this is a necessary action at times.

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